His Greatest Seal: Poems by the Rev. Francis Quintin-Arthur
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 The Unquenchable Parental Love
You too were a young woman
Not so different from others
Yet in differencevery far
For that firm faith defies description
And that humility is unquestionable
When the bearer unfolded
The tiding so tremendously transporting
The prediction generating pious joy
With what lowliness did you demand
how it could be
For indeed your maidenhood was touched by none
Behold, a paragon of perfection
Mark the prayer magnifying the Lord
Then the word was made flesh
On that joyful night
No mansion did you seek
Nor even a lowly hut
But a manger
His being blossomed out
As it were, the morning glory at sunrise
And hark, melodious music sung by angelic voices
The wise followed in due time
Like sunflowers trailing the floating sun
Discreetly chasing the leading light
Bringing before Him
Dazzling gifts of singular significance
You raised a Son of humble greatness
You rejoiced in Him
And suffered with Him a joyful sorrow
You saw Him tried and heard mans word
You saw the cross and He who bore it
You saw the thorns surrounding His head
You stood at the foot of the heavy crossed wood
And wept a tear only a mother could weep
You heard Him mocked and you saw Him mute
You saw the piercing spear paving path
for blood and water
You heard Him scream
Lowering His head
The innocent convict, your Son
Mothers have been in existence
Mothers are begotten
Mothers are born
But of all these mothers
Who can compare with you
Whom no tomb could contain
Who are the mother
and the daughter
of your own Son
Who is our Brother
Our Brother who died for man
Man, whose sins had shut him out from the Father
Father, with whom you found favor
And you, who are the mother of billions
Yet a virgin
Children of God, your mother
Mother of God, your children
Youve picked for me, Lord
The very best of fathers
Not as close as mother was
But thats cause he was keeping guard
Against all that might harm any under his care
At the door he stood with pride for child
He came to hold when all was safe
He went away, he came at night
He brought the food, he guarded our home
Not many words have been written about him
For he was always the silent one
The quiet one, always looking around
He held me not as many times
For he had no milk for feeding me
He had the strength to make me strong
To make me strong of heart like him
Ive learned from him, this father dear
He taught me the good hed learned in years gone
I thank you, Lord, for a man like this
For only from you can such a man come
So when it is time for him to leave
To take his place among those gone before us
Lord, let the saints and the throng above
Be pleased to sing him to his rest
For a man like this should stay with you
To live in joy forevermore
My mother, Lord, my mother dear
A gift unique, a gift of love
She came from you with life for me
And rears me and lifts me up
Lord, she cares for me all day and night
When Im awake she stays up with me
She tucks me in to sleep at night
She bears me and bears with me
And when I sleep shes still watching
She prays for me and smiles on me
Though sound asleep I know shes there
She loves me most when all despise
She lives with me and lives for me
In place of her whom will I have
Ill have none else for mom but her
Youve picked her just for me, my Lord
And I thank you, Lord, all praise to you
Grant her life, a good long one
And when you call her home to rest
Please let the angels sing her home
Before our loving Mother on high
To rest in the arms of our dear Lord
Amid the cherubim and seraphim
Once upon a time, a blazing inferno I observed.
What a sight!
Furnace reaching up to the high ceiling
And, charring in this,
Lifelong treasures of toil and memories.
Numerous the sympathies gathered!
Then in rushed from nowhere, through the crowd,
A mother wailing onward to the fire.
All gave way to her strength
As she shoved her way right into
This burning inferno.
She was no firefighter
But shed fight every fire
To get to her child,
Though this was her last fight,
For when the fires fury was abated
She was discovered burnt to death.
Virgin mother | |
| Impossible |
Mysterious truth
Virgin mother
Impossible? | |
| Bittersweet yes
Virgin mother no |
With God all things
are possible | |
| Was she with God? |
With God
The Word was born of her
Believe in God? | |
| Yes |
Believe in His word? | |
| Yes |
Virgin mother possible,
according to His word
Yes? | |
| Yes |
That was what she said
Yes | |
| Yes? |
Yes | |
| Thanks be to God |
For what? | |
| For her
For her yes |
Parents are proud of their children
And love them still
Even when many love them not
Prouder even more of the child
Who is deemed good and also proud of them
Still the other child
Whose behavior is not recommendable
Parents still love much
If they love so much
He that is not good
Then can you well imagine
The love bestowed on him
Who is so good to them
If Christ loves us still
When we still sinners are
What magnitude the love
He showers on those
Who try to love him well!
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